New  offerings from Applied Thought Technologies, LLC




Thought Card -
From a borrowed shuffled deck a mental selection of a card is made as the deck is fanned from one hand to the other.  You then find the thought of card.

*Only 150 of these to be sold.  However this work will be part of a compilation hard copy available in two years. 


   Fantasy Phone - Long distance mind reading.  Possibly the greatest phone mystery never done.  From a shuffled deck a card is chosen.  The spectator stares at it. You name the card.  No counting or reading off of cards.

   Remote View - Six cards- one red, five black.  Over 256 possible random combinations you eliminate all of the black cards to find the target red card. No questions asked! Can be done over the phone.

Read reviews of this manuscript from those who use and have purchased it here & here
I am pleased to say they are good.


A devastating and profitable effect!
(Read the reviews of performers using this product)


A complete presentation. 
A perfect addition for walk around performers such as mentalists or magicians.

I made $1,800.00 the first time a client booked this presentation !
Pretty good for four hours work.

A full description of the effect/presentation may be found at the bottom of this page.  Until now it was only available in hard copy 
Save $10.00 off the hard copy price!

If you want to be able to offer something different that can increase your worth to a client and as a result increase your profits read the full description and the first four pages at the bottom of this page. 

This reading system for mentalists and magicians has received great reviews over the almost two years that it has been offered. Here are two links to the Magic Cafe' where it has been discussed at length here & here




Show & Tell in the Twilight Zone (AKA The Tarot Test)

This is our first DVD prediction performance product.
Only 150 copies to be sold ever! Presale available

The entertainer conducts a test using a deck of Tarot cards and this DVD.  

*Performer does not need to be able to read Tarot to perform this demonstration.

The DVD will conduct the experiment with the performer's help.  The test revolves around the idea of self-fulfilling prophecies and whether or not the images on the Tarot cards have a psychological effect on people.

Nine cards are laid out face up.  The spectator places a ring or coin on a card.  The entertainer explains that the DVD he is about to play  is an unusual recording from a company that conducts research into the paranormal.  Also that the performer receives these interactive test discs from time to time and that in addition to being very  unusual they are also strangely entertaining as you are about to find out.

Not only does the DVD predict the actions taken by the spectator, it also predicts the card the spectator chooses from the remainder of the Tarot Cards.  

This effect allows performers to present a strange performance piece without being seen as strange themselves.  It allows a degree of separation and places the performer into the role of exhibitor and researcher.  

Designed to be used at private parties.  I presently use a version of this for small group presentations of 50 or less  as well as  for private gatherings.

Note: Product will look like a common DVD. It will be numbered and signed with the inscription ATT Tarot Experiment #7 
in keeping with the idea that it is a test disc.
I know these discs will play in the USA  however I am unsure of compatibility in other locations.



Intelligent Redesign
The Reading System for Corporate Events
No Cold Reading skills needed-but they definitely can be developed using this system.
Excerpt from the Intelligent Redesign manuscript may be found the bottom of this page.

Perfect for magicians, mentalists, and psychic/entertainers wishing to expand their market and generate additional revenue. This system is non-controversial and is not wrapped in the shroud of mysticism of other reading systems.

$900.00 is what I was paid the first time I presented this act. 

That was for two hours. I was then hired for two more hours the following day.

$1,800.00 for four hours of work!

The last time I performed this act was for a one hour cocktail reception for twenty people. The client paid $500.00

You are being given the opportunity to purchase my complete presentation including tic sheet brochure and performance rights. This is part of my working act. It has been tested and performed over and over again. Some of you may know I refer to it as my 'magic bullet' because it works so well. Click here to Order

Contents of the Intelligent Redesign Package.
*Excerpt from manuscript below

  • The Simple Lo Shu Square - Birth Date Profiling Through the Use of Chinese Numerology.
    50 pages (signed and dated specifically for  you.)

This book contains the reading system and can also be used during the presentation. It is available to the general public through my main site at  www.JimClass.Com , or, and Amazon. It is simple to use and understand. Most people become quite familiar with the system in just a few hours. 

The book is for sale to the general public because it is easy to use and can be fun to do. I also will begin selling them after my shows. 

However the book does not contain the act or how to use the information as an engine to drive a presentation. The Intelligent Redesign manuscript contains that information.

  • Intelligent Redesign Manuscript- 32 pages 

    This manuscript contains the act/presentation. It is discussed in depth and includes  the script I use. Psychology and audience compliance strategies are also covered.

    The thinking behind this method of presenting readings is also completely explained and can easily be applied to other presentations and effects. In fact this is discussed during my lecture
    Experimental Reality Projects. 

    Also included in the manuscript is my un-memorized deck- The Dr. Suess Stack. I discussed this in my lecture and is included here for those who do not use a memorized deck. It can be learned and used within five minutes and allows you to replicate my use of the memorized deck in this presentation without the hard work.

    I have used it several times when I just did not have the time or patience to set the deck. 

  • Brochure/Tic Sheet - Provided with manuscript. One is filled in for you as an illustrated example for the manuscript. The other is provided to make copies for your own use. 

    This was designed to provide a level of believability and proof and also to be a form of advertising. Personalized for each reading people walk away with these and show them to others. They end up advertising for you. People do keep these things because they are unique curiosities. But most important of all they carry your advertising.

  • Performance Rights & Listing on JimClass.Com This adds another level of believability to your performance. Proving that you have and present a professional product. Business people understand the idea of paying for the use of a system or product. 

    It also shows that they are not buying an unproven product for their event.

    Clients can look it up if they want if they so choose. Your name and contact information will be listed and a link to your web site will be provided also.

You should show a profit from your first performance using this information. I would have shown a $730.00 profit on my first performance had I bought it and not created it. That includes the price of the printing, pens, and the folder.


Please note: You may purchase the Simple Lo Shu Square on birth date profiling mentioned  above directly from me. Just order via the main page on www.JimClass.Com

Of course this can be presented at any type of event from family gatherings to corporate events. 

Excerpt from the Intelligent Redesign Manuscript can be found below. I have provided the table of contents as well as part of the first chapter. This should give those interested a good idea of the value of this product.




Intelligent Redesign



The Birth Date Profiling

Manual for Entertainers




Written by Jack Galloway w Edited by Mick Ayres





I have been kissed by cancer, lightning…
and a wickedly beautiful woman named Christine.


A note to Mick’s wife, Jennifer:

Thank you for allowing your husband to waste hours of his life with me
in the pursuit of resurrecting what was once an art form.  I am in your debt.



An Explanation (of sorts)..................................................................................1
The Act.......................................................................................................................4
The Script.................................................................................................................7
Do The Reading!..................................................................................................11
Accuracy Check..................................................................................................13
Mental Target .....................................................................................................15
Reveal the Thought...........................................................................................18
I Am Wrong............................................................................................................19
The Answers I Use............................................................................................20
Other Ideas..........................................................................................................23
The Square Deal................................................................................................24



©2005 Applied Thought Technologies LLC & Jim Callahan



An Explanation (of sorts)



This system was specifically created and designed to suit my own needs as a performer—to present an effect with a psychic-style Reading that spectators would see as the prime motivation engine for the performance.

Several years of work have gone into this presentation.  I have received help from some of the psychic world’s greatest thinkers—most notably Richard Webster, who provided me with a foundation upon which to build a cathedral. 

I would also like to recognize the help of Harlan and Ted who provided instruction and encouragement from the other side. They are both fine fellows and I am sure they will be more than willing to help anyone reading this manuscript.

For years, I have been a fan of Readers and their abilities.  However, it is my opinion that a majority of readings are not being exploited to their fullest potential as a form of entertainment.

The presentation that follows offers both the mentalist and the magician an opportunity to apply many familiar and secret tools: peeks, glimpses, forces, gaffed wallets and envelopes, etc.  Even better, this presentation ensures these information-gathering techniques are used as they were intended—as plain and simple tools, the hammer and nails of our profession.  Here, we will put these tools in their correct psychological place…out of the spectator’s mind.  For example, when looking at a mansion, no one considers the builder’s hammer.  Instead, the viewer only considers the beauty of the finished product.  It is the same for our audiences—with one positive exception: the spectators are part of the mansions we build.  Which do you think audiences will find more interesting, the hammer and nails…or themselves?

I am of the opinion that if a performer could, without deception, reveal information written on a little scrap of paper, he would make a lot more out of it than most do.  If you honestly know what word, number, name or playing card a person is merely thinking of—if you really had this talent—how would you present such an amazing gift?  Would you dare present it as so many magicians and mentalists do—quickly and in an off-hand manner?  Or would you strive to exploit the situation and give this incredibly rare talent the attention it deserves?  Like many of you, I have watched countless performers just go through the motions and rapidly fly through their presentations.  The strength of each effect is weakened by the performer’s indifferent attitude and the end result is like chucking jewels into the mud.

Understandably, the audience gives these “miracles” no more than a cursory glance of consideration.  They simply follow the performers lead.  By his


actions, the performer has psychologically yelled in the spectator’s ear, “None of this is real and I cannot make it so!”  The audience gets it and responds to the unspoken subtext.  These performers make their performance unintentionally false by not behaving as a normal person would.  And I do mean a normal person—not a psychic or paranormally-gifted individual.

But now, you have the tool needed that not only gets the most out of these effects but also takes the heat off of you.  Your audiences will be deeply impressed and will not question the reality of the situation.  It will be apparent to the audience that a lot of work has gone into the event that they just experienced.  This is not just a clever magic-like stunt with a deck of playing cards…no, they have seen that stuff before and this is not that.

           This method offers you choices that other systems do not.  First, you can do a direct reading (based upon my book The Simple Lo-Shu Square) and be extremely successful.  In fact, that is my course of action over 90% of the time.  Or you might choose to add the use of a few cold reading techniques.  You’ll find it easy to amplify the interpretation based upon the spectator’s responses.  Either way, you choose a method that is comfortable to you.

Because of the way this method of reading is structured, the person being read is in no way guarded.  This allows you to actually practice the art of cold reading in front of people when and if you feel comfortable doing so.  If the individual is not easily read it makes no difference.


The major objection to card, palm, tarot and number readings are the mystical trappings and the often-implied psychic abilities of the reader.  Skeptics leap at the chance to decry the evilness of cold readers/psychics and expose the work/methods used.  In the corporate entertainment environment, controversy is not a top selling point.

I have seen Readers at corporate events often play the character-role of an old-time gypsy fortuneteller.  Admittedly, this is a good way to downplay these misconceptions about the reality of Readings and still be able to work.  The upside is these entertainers are avoiding confrontations and ethical discussions by wearing the costume and playing the role of a fun entertainer for a corporate event.  Unfortunately, the downside is often a lower pay scale.

Occasionally, magicians or mentalists will perform readings of various types as part of their performance offerings.  However, more often than not, they find it a difficult skill to incorporate into their set.

Sometimes, a performer will deal with a spectator who has read or seen a few exposure pieces in the media.  Of course, this sort of informed-spectator can be a distraction…but dealing with the true believers can be more difficult.  Their enthusiasm often makes them overly talkative and hard to move along.

With this system, these problems are eliminated and, even better, several benefits are added.  In fact, several recruiters from different corporations have expressed amazement at what is possible with this system.  I hasten to point out that each of these executives were commenting on the presentation, having forgotten or not realizing that I was a paid entertainer.

The most notable feature of this system is that you are presenting a numerology demonstration based upon well known psychological tests.  Also, this system allows you the luxury of being able to stand back from the Reading process and be an Exhibitor—a far better position to be in for this type of work.  You are not playing the part of a Psychic, instead you are merely showcasing an interesting numerology system or experiment.

With this system, while conversing with the spectator, you casually make several points as proof to back up your Readings .  Even though you do not ever mention the word “proof”, these points still register with the audience as being just that.

During the presentation, the spectator is asked to critique the information offered at the half way point. You then use their profile to once again prove the validity of the system.  This is one of the strongest features of this presentation. The person who is being read helps you by explaining themselves if the reading is ‘off’ in anyway—in the end, you cannot be wrong.

At the close of the presentation, the spectator takes the reading-chart with them as a memento and proof of your abilities.  Conveniently, this chart doubles as your promotional information.  The spectators will keep it and show it to their friends, relaying their experience and discussing it with them.  I have seen this happen hundreds of times.


At this point, it is assumed you have read my book The Simple Lo-Shu Square and have at least a passing knowledge of the system.



US Price: $70.00
Shipping & Handling in US, 5.00


UK Price: $70.00
Shipping & Handling $5.00


PDF format Price: $60.00

Payment may also be made by personal check or money order to

Applied Thought Technologies LLC. 
34 Chesterfield DR 
Beaufort SC. 29906

If you have any questions please email me at Jim@JimClass.Com