To start please choose a
four digit number. This number must be important to you in some
For instance the
year you were born, the last four digits of your social security number,
the last four digits of your phone number or even a number associated
with a loved one or significant event in your life.
Write that number
down on a piece of paper. That is your primary number or the number with
which we will begin. It is important that this number has some meaning to you.
We will now create
a secondary number from it by adding the digits together. Many of you
may know this is a common practice in numerology.
You now have a random number created
from your primary and secondary number. I call this a Balance
Reading© because
you use the difference between the two numbers to generate the reading.
In essence the number you have
generated is a balance point between the two numbers.
I want you to now circle any one of
the numbers in the balance number. Do it quickly. Just circle the one that appeals to you at
first glance.
Look below and find the reading for
the number you selected. As stated above it is up to you as to whether
or not you choose to take the advice of the numbers.
Note: Call in during
any one of my radio interviews and I will do a reading for you live on
the air if you have completed the steps above and circled you destiny
number. Please have your numbers with you when you call so that we might
verify the event live.
of Circled Digits
Note: During the
radio demonstrations I use the numbers not circled for a more in-depth
reading. In many instances I can perceive the number that was circle as
a result of knowing what numbers you chose not to circle. I have
not included the in-depth explanations of excluded numbers and how they can
often indicate the circled number choice.
- If you circled a one you are indicating that in the next week or two
it would be a good time to focus on yourself and to consider
self improvement. Remember self improvement
starts inside and works outward. Think about those things you
would like to do and write them down. Do not let little
distractions hinder your progress during this time.
If you circled a two in your balance number it is a good time to
practice cooperative behaviors. To engage with another person to work towards a common
goal. Or perhaps help another accomplish a task. It is also a time to ask
for help if you need it from a friend, especially if this is something
you might not normally do. Consider your interactions with other people
and how to improve them. You can experience great satisfaction in
learning from others during this time.
- A circled three tells us that it is a good time to work on your mind
and memory. Take stock of all of the good things that have happened over
the past few weeks and learn from any adversity large or small that may have befallen you.
Take care during this time not to make mistakes you have made before in your
personal and public life.
- It is a good time to look at things critically. Especially if this is
not your normal course of action. Make your choices based upon the facts
of a situation. Do not just take someone's word for it. Make sure the
things you decide to do are reasonable and rationally thought out over
the next couple of weeks. Probably not the best time to just follow
heart. Instead follow the truth to be found in the facts.
- Now is a time for variety. Go to new places and see new things.
Try something and learn something new. You will become enriched from these new
experiences. But caution should be observed in not over extending
yourself. Physically or monetarily at this time. In short have fun but
not too much.
- If you circled six it indicates a good time to be with friends and
family. To spend quality not quantity time. It is a good time to also
start new friendships.
- This is a good time to learn new things. Make an effort not to
be materialistic at this time and to consider the feelings of
others. Look at interactions from both sides. You will also find that
this is a good time for thought either through meditation or simply
spending time quietly alone.
- This is a good time to focus on money and finances. Make plans
for what you want and stick to them. It is a good idea at this time to
consider your short range plans and if you do not have any make them at
this time. Also be sure to get plenty of rest over the next few weeks.
- This is a good time for re-evaluation and taking stock of your
situation. Let go or get rid of things that are no longer of
use or have been out grown. It is not always easy to let things go but
it is important to move on to better things in the future.
It is up to you to decide whether
to follow the advice offered by your numbers.
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